A story of a trader who had to build his own analytics platform

3 min readMay 23, 2022

Since the beginning, I’ve been trading tokens with a bunch of friends, and at first, we knew nothing about trading, and it was just shooting sightlessly. And even though we were learning a lot and educating ourselves, we still made many mistakes. So we fine-tuned our tools, workflows, mistakes, and style, and looked for mentors. Anything to give us an edge.

But within this tiny ecosystem, everybody is armed with the same tools. And overseeing 500 tokens every day takes time. And trying to monitor which new token you don’t know yet is also a nightmare. And so you manually go through Coingecko every day, looking to see if you can find something new you don’t know yet.

Then you scan your Twitter and the people you follow, and Twitter doesn’t make it easy for you because it randomizes the timeline. Then you go to the exchange, and every day a few times a day, you go through all the existing tokens, from the most traded tokens all the way down to somewhere deep, to see if any old tokens have woken up or if any new tokens have appeared. Or if any match your trading style.

And those tokens from any of the previous channels that you find interesting, you then go to manually reload the watchlists, where you work with them again and again. Most Dexes most likely don’t even have these listed. So you have to find them somewhere else.

After these struggles, you finally buy some tokens. How are you going to manage them? No one has a wide enough token database in a spreadsheet. So you’re like a moron manually rewriting the spreadsheet and updating it every now and then because you’re tired of updating it all the time.

I can guarantee that if you hear about a token from a person who heard about it from a person who retweeted another person, you’re coming to the token late. And while you’re opening your first trade on that coin, other people are already tenfold or even a hundredfold. You’re probably buying out their dollar investment with your hundred dollars. You’re just late.

So we created Signull v1 for me and my daily routine. To make things easier, to ease up on the mess. If you find yourself in the same position… welcome, and enjoy the peace of mind with Signull.

LurkerP — Founder of Signull




Signull is crypto-currency research and analytics platform for traders to stay ahead of the curve. https://discord.gg/6pHSF5SXsX